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How to correctly understand electrolytic capacitors

January. 11, 2024

Insight into the world of electronic products through electrolytic capacitors

Electrolytic capacitors are divided into two types: non-polar and polar. Non-polar electrolytic capacitors adopt a double oxide film structure, which is similar to two polar electrolytic capacitors with two negative electrodes connected; polar electrolytic capacitors are usually used in power circuits or In intermediate frequency and low frequency circuits, it plays the functions of power supply filtering, decoupling, signal coupling, time constant setting, and DC isolation.

How to correctly understand electrolytic capacitors

An electrolytic capacitor is actually a capacitor composed of a positive electrode (aluminum foil), a dielectric (AL2O3), and a negative electrode (electrolyte). The vast majority of electrolytic capacitor processes currently on the market use positive electrode aluminum foil through corrosion and other processes. Since they are produced through chemical electrolyte corrosion processes, there is a certain risk of environmental pollution.

The other is laminated foil technology. Laminated foil is a new generation product of electrode foil announced by China for the first time in the world. It adopts a new powder sintering process. Compared with the traditional corrosion process, this technology increases the specific volume of electrode foil by more than 40%, which is a great improvement. Capacitor performance; the production process is environmentally friendly, does not require acid-base reaction and waste liquid discharge, and complies with environmental certification. Aluminum electrolytic capacitors using laminated foil are small in size, come in various specifications, and are suitable for use in a variety of fields.


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