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The essential difference between electrolytic capacitors and solid capacitors

January. 04, 2024

Let you truly understand solid capacitors

The dielectric of liquid electrolytic capacitors is liquid electrolyte. The liquid particles are very active at high temperatures and generate pressure inside the capacitor. Its boiling point is not very high, so it may explode.

The essential difference between electrolytic capacitors and solid capacitors

Solid capacitors use polymer dielectrics. When solid particles are exposed to high temperatures, both particle expansion and activity are lower than those of liquid electrolytes. Its boiling point is also as high as 350 degrees Celsius, so the possibility of explosion is almost impossible. Theoretically speaking, it is almost impossible for solid capacitors to explode.

Solid capacitors have better performance in equivalent series impedance than traditional electrolytic capacitors. According to tests, solid capacitors have extremely small equivalent series resistance when operating at high frequencies, and have excellent conductivity at frequencies, which can reduce electrical impedance and The characteristic of lower heat output is most obvious between 100KHz and 10MHz.

The essential difference between electrolytic capacitors and solid capacitors

Traditional electrolytic capacitors are more easily affected by the temperature and humidity of the environment in which they are used, and have slightly poorer stability at high and low temperatures. Even at minus 55 degrees Celsius to 105 degrees Celsius, the ESR (equivalent series resistance) impedance of solid capacitors can be as low as 0.004 to 0.005 ohms, but electrolytic capacitors will change due to temperature.

In terms of capacitance value, liquid capacitors will be lower than their marked capacitance values below 20 degrees Celsius. The lower the temperature, the capacitance value will also decrease accordingly. At minus 20 degrees Celsius, the capacitance drops by about 13%. The capacity reached 37% at minus 55 degrees Celsius.

The solid capacitor can ensure that the capacitance will not be affected by the temperature drop, because the capacitance value of the solid capacitor will only decrease by less than 5% at minus 55 degrees.

The essential difference between electrolytic capacitors and solid capacitors

Solid capacitors and electrolytic capacitors will have capacity attenuation problems during use. For circuit boards using solid capacitors, slight fluctuations in capacity will cause ripples in the power supply, causing the CPU to not work properly.

Compared with electrolytic capacitors, the capacity of electrolytic capacitors is much larger than that of solid capacitors at the same volume and voltage. Currently, most computer motherboards and CPU power supplies use solid capacitors. Although the problem of explosion is avoided, capacity redundancy is very limited due to volume limitations. Less; moreover, due to capacity issues, the frequency of switching of the CPU power supply part has to be increased.

Whether they are solid capacitors or electrolytic capacitors, their main function is to filter out noise. Therefore, as long as the capacity of the capacitor reaches certain numerical requirements, and as long as the quality of its components passes the standard, it can also ensure the stable operation of the motherboard. And electrolytic capacitors can do this!


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