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What is the difference between electrolytic capacitor and CBB capacitor used for filtering?

July. 24, 2024

Among plug-in capacitors, electrolytic capacitor and CBB capacitor are the most widely used. Both capacitors have a common feature, that is, they can be used for filtering, but what is the difference when they are used specifically?

The specific answer is: although both of them have the function of filtering, the application occasions are obviously different. Polar electrolytic capacitor is used to filter DC wave, and nonpolar CBB capacitor is used to filter AC wave.

What is the difference between electrolytic capacitor and CBB capacitor used for filtering?cid=27

What are the characteristics and functions of CBB capacitor?

The so-called CBB capacitors refer to polypropylene film capacitors, such as CBB21/22 capacitors, MPB boxed capacitors, CBB81 high-voltage resonant capacitors, MMKP82 

double-sided metallized capacitors, CBB20 axial capacitors, and CBB60 starting capacitors.

What is the difference between electrolytic capacitor and CBB capacitor used for filtering?cid=27

CBB capacitor, also called polypropylene film capacitor, takes metal foil as electrode, and after it is overlapped with polypropylene film from both ends, it is wound into a cylindrical 

capacitor with a capacitance between 1000 PF and 10 UF and a rated voltage of 63 V and 2000 V..

Advantages of CBB capacitor: low loss, nonpolarity, excellent frequency characteristics, high dielectric constant, small volume, large capacity, high insulation impedance, good 

stability, high temperature resistance, normal operation in the range of -40℃~105℃, excellent electrical performance, self-healing and so on.

The function of CBB capacitor: it is mostly used in high-frequency pulse occasions, AC occasions, high-stability timing occasions, temperature compensation circuits, switching 

power supply systems and color TV industries, instruments, televisions and household appliances, electric ballast, high-voltage potential absorption circuits of various contactor 

contacts, and lighting LED circuits, filtering, bypass, coupling and other circuits.

Characteristics and functions of electrolytic capacitors;

Electrolytic capacitors are widely used in household appliances and various electronic products, with a large capacity range, generally 1~1000μF, and the rated working voltage 

range is 6.3~450V V. Electrolytic capacitors are polar capacitors, so it is necessary to distinguish the positive and negative poles when using them. If they are connected 

reversely, the telephone capacitor will explode. The biggest advantage of electrolytic capacitor is that it is extremely cheap and its capacity can be very large.


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